Keep the Beat

Keep the Beat is a heart screening and educational program provided only by Arkansas Heart Hospital. Our premiere screening is only $99 and includes nine components to build a cardiovascular risk profile, which one of our world-class providers will review with you. This valuable information eliminates uncertainty and helps you move forward with lifestyle and risk-management changes to keep your heart healthy.

Keep the Beat heart screenings are offered at:

Arkansas Heart Hospital Little Rock Clinic
7 Shackleford W Blvd
Little Rock, AR 72211


Appointments are required for Keep the Beat and can be scheduled online. Pay at the time of your screening or purchase a gift certificate online to redeem at your appointment. Please note, Keep the Beat gift certificates are:

  • non-refundable
  • available for purchase online only
  • require a scheduled appointment to complete the screening

A quick, painless way to assess and develop your personalized cardiovascular risk profile, participants receive counseling from a qualified healthcare professional and educational materials related to the prevention and treatment of heart disease.

The Nine-Step Heart Screening Includes:

  • HeartSaver CT scan to assess hard calcium deposits
  • Laboratory Blood tests:
    • Lipid Panel: Total Cholesterol, HDL, LDL, and Triglycerides
    • Hemoglobin A1C: Diabetic Screening
  • Resting Electrocardiogram (ECG)
  • Carotid Artery Assessment
  • Peripheral Vascular Assessment
  • Blood Pressure Evaluation
  • Risk Evaluation: Assess risk factors and the risk of heart disease over the next 10 years
  • Body Composition: Body Mass Index (BMI) and measure of body fat percentage
  • Nutrition Counseling

NOTE: Keep the Beat is not intended to replace routine checks and/or follow-ups with your doctor. Any follow-up that is based on your preference and your level of identified risk.


To participate in Keep the Beat, you must meet these requirements:

  • Be 30 years or older
  • No previous diagnosis of coronary artery disease and no prior procedures including stents or bypass surgery
  • Not an established patient at Arkansas Heart Hospital
  • Weigh 500 lbs or less
  • 5 years or more since your last Keep the Beat screening or have a referral from your primary care provider


Scheduling a screening is now done online. First, complete this short prequalification form. Then, you’ll be directed to our scheduling portal to easily find and schedule the perfect time for your screening.


  • Fast at least four hours prior to the appointment. Patients may drink water and black coffee.
  • Wear a bra without an underwire.


Mr. Claude Reeder
Age 63
Claude and his wife were touring the hospital and they both went through the Keep the Beat program on a spur of the moment. Identified through the HeartSaver CT portion of the Keep the Beat assessment, his wife had a low calcium score, but he had a high score. Claude then had a diagnostic cath performed and two days later underwent quadruple bypass surgery. One artery had 100 percent blockage and his main artery had 80 percent. Claude was on a collision course to a possible fatal heart attack. Claude is an active man and avid golfer. Prior to participating in the Keep the Beat program, Claude had NO symptoms. “I truly feel like Keep the Beat saved my life,” states Claude.

Mr. Robert Davis
Dover, Age 61
“The Keep the Beat program at Arkansas Heart Hospital changed my life and no doubt saved it.” When Robert Davis first came to Arkansas Heart Hospital it was for his brother’s heart surgery. He never expected that in less than a month, he would return for his own triple bypass. With two arteries 100 percent blocked and another at 95 percent, Robert was no doubt headed for serious heart problems. Instead, he is able to enjoy a better quality of life and peace of mind thanks to early detection by the Keep the Beat program. “The best part is that you have peace of mind knowing you are going to be around for your family.”

Mr. Donald Kenney
Little Rock, Age 62
“The Keep the Beat program at Arkansas Heart Hospital saved my life.” He didn’t have any symptoms, but the two major blockages in Donald Kenney’s heart could have easily ended his life. Thanks to early detection by the Keep the Beat program at Arkansas Heart Hospital, doctors were able to repair the blocked arteries in plenty of time.

Mr. Alton Pryor
Sherwood, Age 67
“I signed up for Keep the Beat so my wife would go. I never thought I’d be the one with the problem.” As an avid walker, the thought that he might have heart disease never crossed Alton Pryor’s mind. His concern was for his wife. So they both signed up for the Keep the Beat program. The results: she was fine, but his risk was borderline high, prompting treatment that kept Mr. Pryor from a potentially serious problem.