Dr. Beth Crowder, APRN, is director of Arkansas Heart Hospital’s Diabetes and Endocrinology services. She is a Conway native and alum from St. Joseph High School, and graduated from the University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences (UAMS) in 1990 with her Bachelor’s of Science in Nursing, receiving the Faculty Gold Key Award. She was named to the National Dean’s List, Outstanding College Students of America, and was also inducted and remains a member of Sigma Theta Tau, the National Honor Society of Nursing. After graduation, she began working with Dr. Brian Barlow at Little Rock Cardiology Clinic. She returned to UAMS graduating with her Master’s of Science in Nursing in 1999, receiving the Jane Houston Carter Award. Dr. Crowder then began a collaborative practice with Dr. David Mego.
She continued on with her graduate education at UAMS completing her Doctor of Philosophy degree in 2005, focusing her research endeavors on congestive heart failure. She later earned her certification as a legal nurse consultant. Dr. Crowder has published manuscripts, authored text book chapters, has assisted with clinic research studies in which Dr. Mego was the primary investigator, and precepts students actively pursuing an advance practice nursing degree. She continues to reside in Conway with her husband Jeff, a Little Rock native, and daughters.